郑立 研究员
郑立 研究员
资        格 博士生导师
所在部门 海洋生物资源与环境研究中心
邮        箱
招生专业 海洋生物学
研究方向 海洋生物学

郑立,本科及硕士毕业于中国海洋大学海洋生物学专业,博士毕业于中科院海洋所海洋生物学专业,美国马里兰大学海洋环境与技术研究所访问学者。被评为泰山产业创新领军人才、海洋系统优秀科技青年, 获青岛市青年科技奖,入选自然资源部第三人才梯队。主要从事海洋环境保护工作,多次参加我国极地、大洋科学考察,开展海洋生物资源开发及损害评估工作研究海洋生物的环境适应性机制、海洋胁迫环境下的生物形为,建立了活体病原菌检测技术标准,并将微生物资源应用于生态修复技术的开发等。现为北太平洋海洋科学组织(pices)入侵种工作组成员,中国环境科学学会环境损害鉴定评估专业委员会委员,中国海洋学会海洋生物工程专业委员会委员,中国海洋工程咨询协会海洋生态环境监测分会理事,山东省海洋经济技术研究会理事,青岛分析测试学会理事。


1. xu x, wang s*, li c, li j, gao f, zheng l*. quorum sensing bacteria in microplastics epiphytic biofilms and their biological characteristics which potentially impact marine ecosystem. ecotoxicol environ saf. 2023;264:115444. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.115444

2. haolei shi, wei gao*, yunchao zheng, lin yang, bin han, yanchao zhang, li zheng*, distribution and abundance of oil-degrading bacteria in seawater of the yellow sea and bohai sea, china, science of the total environment, 2023, 166038, issn 0048-9697.

3. yang lin, hu tianyi, wang shuai, zhang yanchao, li qian, han bin, zheng li*. distinct interactions driven by dmsp between different microalgae and the phycosphere bacterium sulfitobacter pseudonitzschiae h46 [j]. marine ecology progress series, 2023, 710:15-25. 

4. yang lin, shi haolei, li qian, zheng minggang, lai qiliang, zheng li*. gramella oceanisediminis sp. nov., isolated from deep-sea sediment of the indian ocean [j]. international journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, 2023, 73(5): 005861.

5. han b*, wang g, liu a, zheng y, zheng l*, ding r. characteristics and source analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in organisms and manure near ardley island, antarctica. mar pollut bull. 2023;188:114577. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114577

6. changfei he, li zheng*, jinfeng ding, gao wei , li qian, han bin, li jingxi. variation in bacterial community structures and functions as indicators of response to the restoration of suaeda salsa: a case study of the restoration in the beidaihe coastal wetland. front. microbiol .2022, 13:783155. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.783155

7. bin han*, wei gao, qian li, ang liu, jinwen gong, yunchao zheng, nengfei wang, li zheng*. residues of persistent toxic substances in surface soils of ny-ålesund in the arctic: occurrence, source, and ecological risk assessment. chemosphere. 2022, 303(2), 135092.  doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.135092.

8. changfei he, li zheng*, wei gao,jinfeng ding , chengxuan li , xiyuan xu , bin han , qian li, shuai wang. diversity and functions of quorum sensing bacteria in the root environment of the suaeda glauca and phragmites australis coastal wetlands. environ. sci. pollut. res. 2022 mar 19. doi: 10.1007/s11356-022-19564-6. epub ahead of print. pmid: 35305219.

9. zhengxing chen, lin yang, qian li, yunjin zhu, li zheng*complete genome sequence of roseivivax marinus strain tcyb24 with quorum sensing system reveal the adaptive mechanism against deep-sea hydrothermal environment. marine genomics, 2022 jun;63:100952. doi: 10.1016/j.margen.2022.100952

10. yanchao zhang, li zheng*, shuai wang, yangguo zhao, xiyuan xu, bin han and tianyi hu. quorum sensing bacteria in the phycosphere of hab microalgae and their ecological functions related to cross-kingdom interactions. (international journal of environmental research and public health). int. j. environ. res. public health. 2021 dec 24;19(1):163. doi:10.3390/ijerph19010163. 

11. haolei shi, jiangfeng cheng, wei gao*, meng ma, ang liu, tianyi hu, bin han, li zheng*. biodiversity and degradation potential of oil-degrading bacteria isolated from sediments of hydrothermal and non-hydrothermal areas of the southwest mid-indian ocean ridge. environmental science and pollution research.2021, doi :

12. *, *, reconstruction and evaluation of oil-degrading consortia isolated from sediments of hydrothermal vents in the south mid-atlantic ridge. , 2021, 11(1): 1456. doi:

13. meng ma, wei gao*, qian li, bin han, aimei zhu, huanghao yang, li zheng*, biodiversity and oil degradation capacity of oil-degrading bacteria isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal sediments of the south mid-atlantic ridge, marine pollution bulletin, 2021, 171: 112770, doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul. 2021.112770

14. tianyi hu, shuai wang*, yishi shan, yanchao zhang, yunjin zhu, li zheng*, complete genome of marine microalgae associated algicidal bacterium sulftobacter pseudonitzschiae h46 with quorum sensing system, current microbiology (2021) 78:3741–3750. doi:

15. bin han, li zheng*, wei gao, qian li, zhisong cui, shuai wang. screening and validation of new diagnostic ratios of dibenzothiophenes and fluorenes for identification of seriously weathered oil spills. environmental technology. 2021421:1-8; doi:10.1080/09593330.2019.1619843. 

16. shuai wang, yue wang, ying liang, wei cao, chengjun sun, peng ju, li zheng*, the interactions between microplastic polyvinyl chloride and marine diatoms: physiological, morphological, and growth effects. ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2020, 203: 111000. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.111000.

17. bin han, ang liu, shuai he, qian li, li zheng*, composition, content, source, and risk assessment of pahs in intertidal sediment in shilaoren bay, qingdao, china. marine pollution bulletin, 2020, 159:111499. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111499.






1. 国家自然科学基金项目热液细菌基于群体感应调控成膜质粒转移的环境适应性机制研究42276140),2023-2026,主持,56万; 

2. 国家自然科学基金海洋玫瑰杆菌群体感应及其退出机制对藻菌关系的调节41776176),2018~2021年,主持,64万;

3. 国家自然科学基金微藻共栖细菌的抑藻作用及基于群体感应的调控机制41076108),2011~2013年,主持,38万;

4. 国家自然科学基金利用群体感应信号诱导海绵共栖细菌pseudoalteromonas piscicida nj6-3-1产生化学防御物质的研究20602009),20072009年,主持,26万;

5. 国家重点研发计划我国近海典型外来生物入侵灾害风险防控技术和装备研发子课题船舶压载水外来生物实验室标准检测技术与装置研发”2017yfc14046042017.07~2020.12,主持,200万元;

6. 国家重点研发计划重点专项项目深海热液区生物资源研究与应用评价子任务“ 深海热液区微生物多样性研究与新资源获取”(2018yfc0310701)2018.07~2022.12,主持,130万元;

7. 科技部科技基础性工作专项基于发光菌的海洋污染生态毒性快速检测技术标准研究2012fy130300),2012~2015年,主持,186万;

8. 大洋深海生物资源计划”“印度洋海岭及稀土勘探区微生物资源的获取及应用潜力评价dy135-b2-11,2018.06~2020.12,主持,260万元;

9. 极地专项:菲尔德斯半岛土壤重金属和有机污染物调查(jd0619008),2019.01~2020.12,主持, 48万元;

10. 自然资源部重点实验室:溢油鉴别技术支撑体系运行(gw0119003),2019.01~2019.12,主持,15万;

11. 海洋局国际合作项目海洋垃圾和微塑料研究合作与交流qy0518011),2018.01~2018.12,主持,30万元;

12. 河北省省级预算项目-蓬莱19-3赔偿款项目北戴河滨海湿地生态修复项目2016-2017年,主持,433.1万元;

13. 海洋公益项目海洋微藻制备生物柴油的规模化开发利用技术研究200805039),2008~2011年,主持,310万;

14. 海洋可再生能源专项资金项目海洋微藻制备生物柴油耦合co2减排技术研究与示范ghme2001sw02),2011~2013年,主持,350万;

15. 山东省科技发展计划富油微藻的筛选、改造及耦合co2减排的高密度培养技术2011ghy11533),2011~2013年,主持,20万;

16. 青岛海洋生物医药分析测试与中试验发公共服务平台,2014~2016, 350万;

17. 青岛市黄岛区海洋科技专项项目黄岛近岸土著菌固定化修复底质油污的研究2014-4-20),2014.09~2016.0930万;

18. 国际合作项目:西太海洋溢油监测技术与应急反应国际培训ac09-014sap32402044622009年,主持,3.6364万美元(25万元);

19. 2010年中国海监海洋执法监察项目:中国海监溢油检验鉴定执法业务运行系统海洋石油鉴别方法及溢油溯源模式的改进zf03-05),主持,15万元;海洋典型优控污染物检测新技术研究,主持,(zf01-0740万元;

20. 2009年海洋局环保司节能减排项目:溢油检验鉴定业务化系统构建运行及技术支撑------溢油指纹库建设及技术研发应用,(bj03-06),主持,30万;海洋溢油生物修复技术研究bj04-03),主持,14万;






