李奎平 研究员
李奎平 研究员
资        格 硕士生导师
所在部门 海洋与气候研究中心
邮        箱
招生专业 物理海洋学
研究方向 季风与大气低频振荡,海气相互作用



1. li, k., yu, w., yang, y., feng, l., liu, s., & li, l.(2020). spring barrier to the mjo eastward propagation. geophysical research letters, 46, e2020gl087788, doi:10.1029/2020gl087788.

2. li, k., yang, y., feng, l., yu, w., & liu, s. (2020) structures and northward propagation of the quasi-biweekly oscillation in the western north pacific, journal of climate,33, 6873-6888.

3. li, k., yang, y., li, l., & liu, s. (2019). regional seasonality in the intraseasonal oscillation over the indo-pacific oceans. dynamics of atmospheres and oceans, 86, 33-40.

4. li, k., feng, l., liu, y., yang, y., li, z., & yu, w. (2018). the northward-propagating intraseasonal oscillations in the northern indian ocean during spring-early summer. journal of climate, 31, 7003-7017.

5. li, k. , liu, y. , li, z. , yang, y. , feng, l. , skhokiattiwong, s., yu, w., & liu, s. (2018). impacts of enso on the bay of bengal summer monsoon onset via modulating the intraseasonal oscillation. geophysical research letters,45(10):5220-5228,doi:10.1029/2018gl078109.

6. li, k., liu, y., yang, y., li, z., liu, b., xue, l., & yu, w. (2016). possible role of pre-monsoon sea surface warming in driving the summer monsoon onset over the bay of bengal. climate dynamics, 47(3-4), 753-763.

7. li, k., li, z., yang, y., xiang, b., liu, y., & yu, w. (2016). strong modulations on the bay of bengal monsoon onset vortex by the first northward-propagating intra-seasonal oscillation. climate dynamics, 47(1-2), 107-115.

8. li, k., yu, w., li, t., murty, v.s.n., khokiattiwong, s., adi, t.r. & budi, s. (2013). structures and mechanisms of the first-branch northward-propagating intraseasonal oscillation over the tropical indian ocean. climate dynamics, 40(7-8), 1707-1720.



1. 2020.01-2023.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:南亚夏季风阶段性爆发进程的海气相互作用机理(41976020)。62万元,主持。

2. 2020.06-2023.05中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费:束星北青年学者基金项目(2020s01)。100万,主持。

3. 2018.12-2021.11 科技部重点研发计划项目课题:东亚地区10-30天低频模态的动力机理和尺度相互作用(2018yfc1505802)子任务。136万元,主持。
