刘建兴 研究员
刘建兴 研究员
资        格 硕士生导师
所在部门 海洋地质与地球物理研究室
邮        箱
招生专业 海洋地质学
研究方向 磁性地层学与环境磁学



(1) jianxing liu*, taoyu xu, qiang zhang, xiaoxiao yu, yonghua wu, qingsong liu, and xuefa shi*, 2023. exploring spatiotemporal paleoenvironmental and paleoceanographic changes on the continental shelf using authigenic greigite: a case study from the east china sea. paleoceanography and paleoclimatology, 38, e2023pa004621.

(2) xiaoxiao yu, xi mei, jianxing liu*, jiarui lin, gangjian wei, xuefa shi, jianghao bai, and mang lin*, 2023. multiple sulfur isotopes of iron sulfides from thick greigite-bearing sediments indicate anaerobic oxidation and possible leakages of coastal methane. geophysical research letters, 50, e2023gl103303.

(3) 张茂, 刘建兴*, 邹庆超, 姚政权, 刘焱光, 石学法, 2023.环境磁学视角下的北冰洋深海磁性地层:以罗蒙诺索夫脊arc5-ice4孔为例.地球物理学报, 66(7): 2983-2996.(第一作者为指导的硕士研究生)

(4) jianxing liu*, xuefa shi*, qingsong liu, shengfa liu, yan liu, qiang zhang, xiaoxiao yu, xisheng fang, yonghua wu, taoyu xu, and jinhua liu, 2021. authigenic iron sulfides indicate sea-level change on the continental shelf: an illustration from the east china sea. journal of geophysical research: solid earth, 126, e2020jb021222.

(5) jianxing liu, xuefa shi, yanguang liu*, qingsong liu, yan liu, qiang zhang, shulan ge, and jinhua li, 2019. a thick negative polarity anomaly in a sediment core from the central arctic ocean: geomagnetic excursion versus reversal. journal of geophysical research: solid earth, 124: 10687-10703.

(6) jianxing liu*, xi mei, xuefa shi, qingsong liu, yanguang liu, and shulan ge, 2018. formation and preservation of greigite (fe3s4) in a thick sediment layers from the central south yellow sea. geophyscial journal international, 213: 135-146.

(7) jianxing liu, qingsong liu*, xunhua zhang*, jian liu, zhiqiang wu, xi mei, xuefa shi, and quanhong zhao, 2016. magnetostratigraphy of a long quaternary sediment core in the south yellow sea. quaternary science reviews, 144: 1-15.

(8) jianxing liu, xuefa shi*, qingsong liu*, shulan ge, yanguang liu, zhengquan yao, quanhong zhao, chunsheng jin, zhaoxia jiang, shengfa liu, shuqing qiao, xiaoyan li, chuanshun li, and chunjuan wan, 2014. magnetostratigraphy of a greigite-bearing core from the south yellow sea: implications for remagnetization and sedimentation. journal of geophysical research: solid earth, 119: 7425-7441.

(9) jianxing liu, xuefa shi, shulan ge, qingsong liu*, zhengquan yao, and gang yang, 2014. identification of the thick-layer greigite in sediments of the south yellow sea and its geological significance. chinese science bulletin, 59(22): 2764-2775.

(10) 刘建兴, 石学法*, 葛淑兰, 李小燕, 姚政权, 王昕, 2012.全新世初期地磁极性漂移在南黄海中部泥质区的记录.第四纪研究, 32(4): 663-669.


(1) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费束星北青年学者项目:海洋沉积磁性地层与环境磁学,2021s012021.01-2023.12100.

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:陆架沉积物中胶黄铁矿的成因及其剩磁获得机制研究,419760782020.01-2023.1264.

(3) 崂山实验室创新团队建设项目:海洋沉积物中磁性矿物的剩磁记录可靠性研究,mgqnlm-td2019032019.12-2021.1130.

(4) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:东海外陆架磁性地层年代框架的建立及其古环境意义,416060752017.01-2019.1221.

(5) 山东省自然科学基金青年项目:黄海第四纪高分辨率环境磁学研究,zr2016db042016.11-2018.118.

(6) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费青年项目:东海外陆架沉积岩石磁学与高分辨率磁性地层学研究,2016q062016.07-2019.0640.

(7) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:陆架沉积中胶黄铁矿的剩磁记录机制研究,2016m5921212016.05-2018.055.
