黄传江 研究员
黄传江 研究员
资        格 硕士生导师
所在部门 海洋环境与数值模拟研究室
邮        箱
招生专业 物理海洋学
研究方向 海洋混合和海气界面过程



1. huang, c. j., w. wang, and r. x. huang, 2007: climate variability in the equatorial pacific ocean induced by decadal variability of mixing coefficient. j. phys. oceanogr., 37(5), 1164-1176.

2. huang, c. j., and f. qiao, 2010: wave-turbulence interaction and its induced mixing in the upper ocean. j. geophys. res., 115, c04026, doi: 10.1029/2009jc005853.

3. huang, c. j., f. qiao, z. song, and t. ezer, 2011: improving simulations of the upper ocean by inclusion of surface waves in the mellor-yamada turbulence scheme. j. geophys. res., 116, c01007, doi: 10.1029/2010jc006320.

4. huang, c. j., f. qiao., d. dai, h. ma, and j. guo, 2012: field measurement of upper-ocean turbulence dissipation associated with wave-turbulence interaction in the south china sea. j. geophys. res., 117,c00j09, doi: 10.1029/2011jc007806.

5. huang, c. j., f. qiao., s. shu, z. song, 2012: evaluating austral-summer mixed layer response to surface wave-induced mixing in the southern ocean. j. geophys. res., 117,c00j18, doi:10.1029/2012jc007892.

6. huang, c. j., f. qiao, and d. dai, 2014: evaluating cmip5 simulations of mixed layer depth during summer. j. geophys. res. oceans, 119, 2568–2582, doi: 10.1002/2013jc009535.

7. huang, c. j., h. ma, j. guo, d. dai, and f. qiao, 2018: calculation of turbulent dissipation rate with acoustic doppler velocimeter. limnol. oceanogr.: methods, 16, 265-272, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10243

8. huang, c. j., qiao, f., chen, s., xue, y., & guo, j., 2019: observation and parameterization of broadband sea surface albedo. j. geophys. res. oceans, 124, 4480-4491.

  9. huang, c. j., & qiao, f. (2021). simultaneous observations of turbulent reynolds stress in the  ocean surface   boundary layer and wind stress over the sea surface. j. geophys. res. oceans, 126,   e2020jc016839.   

  10. fangli qiao, chuanjiang huang, tiegang li, min zhang, wenzheng jiang, yanxiong liu (2020).    mid-holocene seawater preserved in the deepest oceanic blue hole. science bulletin, 65(23), 1975–     1978.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2020.08.006








